Mineral Springs High School Seeking Assistance to Start Food Pantry
Following the success of the food pantry program at the Nashville School District, administrators at the Mineral Springs School District are looking into implementing a similar program. High School teacher Shelly Furr, along with principal Clint Jones, are currently researching what it would take to start a food pantry. Nashville started a pilot program with Harvest Texarkana last year and is now providing food to almost ten percent of the student population. Furr said they project at least 50 students will be identified as needing assistance and that sponsorships will be needed. Harvest Texarkana is able to purchase food at a lower cost and then ships it out to participating partners. The food pantry program at Mineral Springs school would also be for grades K-12. This effort would be another way to help students move out of remediation and be more motivated to learn. If you have any questions or would like to help out, contact the school at (870)287-4747.