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Governor Sanders and State officials visits the city of Fordyce

Following a tragic mass shooting, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, along with other state officials, recently visited Fordyce to offer support and solidarity to the grieving community. The leaders stressed the importance of unity and resilience during this difficult time.

Governor Sanders thanked the law enforcement officers for their heroic response to the incident. “We are grateful for the men and women in law enforcement every day, but particularly on days like today, where they are the true heroes saving lives,” said Sanders. “Without their actions, we could be facing an even graver situation. Your bravery, courage, and service are recognized.”

Arkansas House Speaker Matthew Sheppard shared Sanders’ sentiments, acknowledging the shared sorrow throughout South Arkansas. “We in South Arkansas feel this loss deeply. We are thankful for the first responders who faced danger,” Sheppard noted. “Healing will take time, and our prayers remain with the community.”

State Representative Sonya Barker praised the South Arkansas community for its strength and compassion. “This is why I am proud to be from South Arkansas and to represent these people. Their ongoing care for one another is truly heartening,” Barker remarked.

Arkansas State Senator Matt Stone referred to a biblical narrative to inspire hope and faith amidst the calamity. “A heinous act was committed in Fordyce. However, by standing united, staying strong, and keeping our faith in God, we can find good in this situation. I have already witnessed the community coming together,” Stone commented.

To conclude their visit, Governor Sanders and her husband, First Gentleman Bryan Sanders, solemnly paid their respects at The Mad Butcher memorial. Together, they said a prayer and placed a bouquet of flowers in remembrance of the victims.

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