Nashville City Council Holds Monthly Meeting, Reviews Financials and Approves Sidewalk Bid
Yesterday, the Nashville City Council held its regular monthly meeting, reviewing key financial updates and discussing important city projects.
According to the Revenue and Expenditures report for October, the city saw a total revenue of $865,649.06, while expenditures amounted to $826,745.06, leaving a surplus of $38,904.00. Notably, the city experienced a 9.7% increase in sales tax revenue, which was $13,544 more than October of 2023. However, county sales tax revenue decreased by 5%, reflecting a drop of $4,812 compared to the same period last year.
Financial Director Kimberly Green explained that the 18% decrease in county sales tax for September was due to credits associated with the solar panels at Husqvarna. Green added that Howard County Judge Brent Pinkerton researched and confirmed that this was the cause of the tax reduction.
In addition to the financial discussion, Mayor Larry Dunaway presented a letter from Trey Foster of Civil Engineering Associates, LLC regarding a revised bid tabulation for the Main Street sidewalk project. The total base bid for the project is $299,699.94. After further discussion, a motion was made by Alderman Joe Hoen and seconded by Alderman Nick Davis to approve the bid as presented by Mayor Dunaway. All were in favor of the motion.
Looking ahead, Mayor Dunaway announced that the next budget meeting will take place on December 10th at 6 p.m., where council members will discuss various financial matters.
The mayor also shared a letter from City Attorney Aaron Brasel, who requested a raise for his position. Brasel provided comparisons to city attorneys in neighboring counties and asked for his salary to be increased to $42,000. The council agreed to discuss this request further during the upcoming budget meeting.