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Nashville City Council Holds Regular Meeting, Discusses Audit, Budget, and Husqvarna Site Visits

The Nashville City Council held their regular monthly meeting yesterday, where Mayor Larry Dunaway delivered positive news regarding the city’s legislative audit, confirming there were no findings.

In other business, the council unanimously approved Resolution 2025-01, which amends the city’s operating budget for 2024. Finance Director Kimberly Green provided an update on the city’s finances, reporting a total revenue of $811,462.84 for December 2024. However, expenditures for the month totaled $1,436,350.88, resulting in a shortfall of $624,888.04.

Despite the deficit, Green highlighted some positive trends, noting that City Sales Tax increased by 1 percent, equaling an additional $1,624 compared to December 2023. Similarly, County Sales Tax rose by 3 percent, contributing an extra $2,786 compared to the previous year.

After reviewing the financial details, Aldermen Freddie Horne motioned, seconded by Alderman Kathy Combs, to accept the December 2024 financial report. All were in favor of the motion.

In closing, Mayor Dunaway shared updates on the former Husqvarna site, revealing that two different companies had conducted site visits in hopes of exploring potential opportunities.

The next city council meeting will be held February 24th at noon, where further updates and discussions are expected.

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