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Arkansas House of Representatives

Members of the Arkansas House of Representatives are scheduled to return to the House Chamber tomorrow, August 3rd, to address the Governor’s recent state of emergency proclamation. The Governor declared a statewide public health emergency on July 29th due to the increase in infections and hospitalizations brought on by the Delta Variant of COVID-19. Under Act 403, if the Governor declares a statewide state of disaster emergency related to public health, the House of Representatives and the Senate shall each convene as a committee of the whole within eight business days of the declaration to vote upon and debate any concurrent resolution to terminate the declaration. Act 403 also states the emergency declaration shall not continue longer than 60 days unless renewed by the Governor. The committee is expected to address and make changes to Act 1002 which ended mandatory face-covering requirements. Governor Hutchinson indicated the changes would focus on allowing individual school boards to implement mask policies. This meeting will take place tomorrow at 10am and can be viewed live online at www.Arkansashouse.org

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