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UA Cossatot Announces Record-Breaking Graduates for Spring 2019

UA Cossatot broke a record at its spring graduation ceremony in Lockesburg on May 11, 2019. The Office of the Registrar at UA Cossatot announces that the college’s spring 2019 semester hit its highest record of graduates and awards in the college’s history.

This spring semester, UA Cossatot had 241 students graduate with 332 awards. These awards include associate degrees, technical certificates, and certificates of proficiency. UA Cossatot’s 2018-2019 school year has also seen more graduates across an academic school year than ever before. The academic school year will end in August and as of June 2019, the total number of credentials awarded to graduates stands at 724.

UA Cossatot’s Chancellor, Dr. Steve Cole said, “We are proud to have the third highest graduation rate in Arkansas, but for us to increase our number of credentials awarded by 58% in just four years, that is just great students coupled with great employees all working towards one goal. In Governor Hutchinson’s Closing the Gap Educational Plan, it mentions wanting to increase credentials by 40% by the year 2020. We certainly wanted to do our part…and we did, and then some. These record numbers also mean that when students come to UA Cossatot, they are more likely to graduate on time, and with one or more certificates or certifications.”

UA Cossatot offers many certificates and degrees to help people achieve their educational goals and find employment. Associate-level degrees offered at UA Cossatot involve two years of study (60-65 credit hours) and are intended to provide graduates the ability to go straight to work in their chosen field or prepare students for junior and senior level courses at a four-year institution. Technical certificates and certificates of proficiency also prepare students for careers. Technical certificates generally take less than two years to complete, and certificates of proficiency take one to two semesters and assist students in acquiring or improving work based skills.

Since August of 2018, 167 students have graduated with an Associate’s degree, 269 students have graduated with a technical certificate, and 288 students have graduated with a certificate of proficiency. The college has also awarded 4,458 certificates and degrees to UA Cossatot students over the past ten years.

UA Cossatot’s Vice Chancellor of Academics, Ashley Aylett said, “Dr. Cole mentioned Governor Hutchinson’s Closing the Gap Educational plan, which we play a vital role in. UA Cossatot has the unique ability to serve our communities through education and help close that educational level gap. We work with students across many walks of life such as those seeking a G.E.D, those trying to improve job skills, those working toward completing the first two years toward a bachelor’s degree, or high school students opting to take college courses prior to high school graduation. Our employees work extremely hard to not only recruit students, but most importantly keep students once they are here. It is our goal to help all students overcome obstacles and achieve their educational goals.”

To learn more about degrees and certificates offered at UA Cossatot, please contact Student Services at 800-844-4471 or drop by any UA Cossatot campus to visit with a Student Services Advisor.