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Washington City Council Discusses Fire Department Improvements

The Washington, Arkansas City Council approved a resolution at their monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 11 to move forward with a grant application that would fund the purchase of a new brush truck. Mayor Paul Henley said the $75,000 grant application would also include other fire support items including turn-out gear and 911 address signs to identify homes and buildings within 5 miles of the Washington Fire Department.

A total of 17 Washington residents participated in a community development meeting on June 4th, which identified mostly fire department needs. One other priority will be to renovate the Fire House to be more handicap accessible to meet requirements of Hempstead County Election officials so that Washington can continue to have a polling place.

The grant will be submitted for approval through the Arkansas Community and Economic Development Program. Mayor Henley said he thought the city has a great chance at receiving the funds, since the project does benefit low and moderate income families.

The council also discussed the need for wi-fi within the city of Washington. The state park currently provides wi-fi access at only three locations within the town. Council members also discussed a couple of other fire department issues, which included keeping better records of active firefighters. Washington councilman Josh Williams noted that the city sales tax for the month of May was ahead of last year. Mayor Henley also reported on a couple of street improvements, one that will fix Carroll Street.