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When Washington Looks Bleak

When Washington Looks Bleak

By U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.)

These days, turning on the news is nothing short of exhausting. Government leaders, talking heads on TV, social media users – everyone has an opinion, and everyone is voicing that opinion louder and louder. Just a few days ago, House Speaker Pelosi was formally reprimanded on the House floor because she couldn’t even talk about President Trump without violating House rules of conduct.

You really can’t make this stuff up. We are seeing uncharted political hostility. Media wars, fiery rhetoric and endless debating are only getting worse.

However, I don’t believe that all hope is lost. I ran for Congress because I’m proud to be an American and wanted to serve the Fourth District. In my time here in D.C., I’ve been able to work alongside men and women from all walks of life and ideological backgrounds, as we fight to pass legislation that benefits hardworking Americans.

The beauty of our country lies in the freedoms we hold dear, and I will continue working every day to preserve and protect those freedoms. And, contrary to what you may see on the news, good things are happening in Washington. The economy is growing and unemployment keeps dropping. Just in the past few weeks, we’ve passed legislation to reform prescription drug pricing, care for veterans and lower health care taxes for hardworking Americans.

That’s why, no matter how frustrating the partisan back-and-forth appears, I encourage you to take a step back and reflect on what a privilege it is to live in our great nation. My staff and I are here to help you with any issues you’re having, or just to lend a listening ear. Give us a call anytime at 202-225-3772.