The Mineral Springs City Council welcomed a new council member at Monday’s monthly meeting. Merles Cheatham replaces Steve Dixon, who is now the acting mayor. Cheatham has lived in Mineral Springs for 44 years and is married to Newton Cheatham.
The meeting started with a presentation from a water system consultant who discussed rehabilitation expenses for the city’s two water tower tanks. No action was taken on the plan, which would include a total expense of $600,000 over the next five years. Following additional discussion, the council rescinded resolution 1936, which in June approved cemetery funding to pay off a water bond. That action received approval with a 5-1 vote.
The council also discussed reviewing cleanup ordinances, reorganizing the park commission and not mowing private property for profit. Resident Raymond Newton spoke to the council about drainage issues and requested a drain be cleaned near his home. The council accepted a resignation from Wendy Hadden from the cemetery board and Vera Marks from the park commission.