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City of Washington Determines Community Needs

A recent public meeting at Washington, Arkansas identified several community needs that will help in determining if an application for Arkansas Community and Economic Development Program funds should be developed.

In attendance were 17 Washington residents and all participated in the community development process.

After an hour long public hearing, the following community needs were identified and placed in priority order:

  1. Fire Department Brush Truck Est $60,000
  2. Fire men Turn-out gear (4 complete sets) Est $8,000
  3. 911 Identity signs to be placed at all homes and buildings
    within 5 miles of Washington Fire Department. (250 buildings
    x 10 each-fire men will install)
    Est $2,000
  4. Renovation of Fire House to be more handicap accessible to
    meet requirements of Hempstead County Election officials so
    that Washington can continue to have a polling place for their election process.
    Est $5,000
  5. Wifi for the entire city Est (not sure)

Est total $75,000

All five Washington Community needs listed will provide direct benefits to low and moderate income families.