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Farmers Bank Donates Former Bank Building to City of Blevins

Farmers Bank & Trust donated the former Bank of Blevins building to the town of Blevins on Tuesday February 26th. Paul Ball of F.B.& T. in Hope is shown handing the deed to the property to Blevins Mayor Bobby Steed. On hand were members of the Blevins City Council and interested citizens. Farmers was represented by Ball, Jacob Jones, and Janet Choate (who is a Blevins resident) and James Bramlett of Texarkana. The building was originally built about 1912 and housed the Bank of Blevins until 1988 when a new bank building was built. Farmers serves Blevins with a full-service branch. Special guests at the event were Mike and Nell Stephens. Mike Stephens served for many years as President of the Bank of Blevins and he and his wife spent many years working in the old building. His grandfather was the founder of the bank. Since the new bank building was constructed thirty years ago, the old bank has served as Blevins City Hall. F.B. & T. representatives said they were happy to present the historic building to the town and look forward to continuing their long partnership with the northern Hempstead County town.  Submitted photo and information.