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Flood Information July 22 Update

More than fifty people volunteered to help clean up the Dierks city park on Saturday. Several local businesses contributed food, water, and other items for the volunteers, as repairs are made from last week’s flooding event. The boil order at Dierks was lifted on Friday, however bottled water is still available at the Dierks municipal building.

In Howard County, if you need immediate assistance from this week’s flooding, contact the American Red cross at 501-584-9184.

For farm related assistance needs, contact the Farm Service Agency office.

Beginning this Wednesday, July 24th at 8 A.M., a call center will be opened in Howard County for residents to report damages. That number will be 845-7524. In the meantime, if you have property damage from the flood and have expenses, keep up with your receipts and document those. Also, take photographs of property damage.

Once the Howard county Call Center has opened July 24th, your information will be taken and emergency coordinators will put you on a list to conduct a visual inspection of your damage.

At this time, no determination has been made if any federal money will be made available for flood assistance.

Nashville Public Works reports that Waste Management will be running their normal routes in Nashville tomorrow. Additional resources will be sent to Nashville to collect the trash..so make sure you have your trash out the curb by 7 A.M.