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Higher Volume at HMH ED Due to DeQueen Ambulance Diversion

The Howard Memorial Hospital Board of Directors reviewed the 2019 Strategic Plan and Goals first quarter update during Tuesday’s monthly meeting. Hospital CEO Debra Wright reported that several goals had been met or are in progress. New equipment should be purchased soon to help complete STAT emergency room lab orders quicker. The implementation of another ER documentation and coding software has been extended into the second quarter of the hospital’s financial year due to a delay in the vendor arranging a site visit.

Regarding additional space for the Rehabilitation Services Department, a quote has been obtained and the hospital board chose to table the issue for a month to consider the offer.

The hospital also hopes to further market a pediatrician clinic and a chemotherapy infusion clinic that are already visiting the campus.

In other business, the DeQueen hospital remains on ambulance diversion and HMH has been experiencing higher volumes in the emergency department. CEO Wright said some individuals have even been transporting themselves by private vehicle and are probably unaware that the ambulance will transport them here to Nashville.

Also reported at the meeting, Chief Financial Officer Bill Craig has been asked to serve on the advisory board of U of A Fort Smith for their Master’s in Health Care Administration degree.