Howard County 4-H member, Katilynn Hanney, spent five days January 9 -14 in Denver Colorado competing at the 2019 Western National Roundup. Katilynn was joined by other youth from Arkansas along with youth from 36 other states. She placed fifth overall in purchased fashion revue.
While in Denver she attended different workshops, listened to two great speakers, Mr. Jeff Goodwin and Mr. Merrill Atwater, had a chance to attend the 99 th Annual Western National Stock show, and visit Winter Park. These five days allowed Katilynn to find her “Spark” which
was this year’s theme for the Conference.
If you are interested in joining 4-H or for more information about our programs, please contact the Howard County Extension Office at 870-845-7517. The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution.