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Howard County 4-H Wins State Competition

Howard County 4-H members competed in the statewide SeaPerch Competition this past weekend in Benton. Three teams from the county participated in the event. The senior team placed 1st overall, 1st in the challenge course, 2nd in the obstacle course, and 3rd in presentation and notebook. Team #2 of the junior team placed 2nd in presentation and notebook.

The senior team will advance to the national competition this summer in Maryland.

SeaPerch is an underwater robotics competition where team members must build a robot, demonstrate using the robot in an underwater obstacle course and keep a journal throughout the process. They present their journal through a speaking competition.

Howard County teams were trained by Samantha Kroll, County Extension Agent-Agriculture/4-H and several volunteer leaders assisted with preparing the team for competition.

Arkansas Electric Cooperative was a sponsor of the team locally. A special thank you goes to Howard Memorial Hospital Therapy Center for allowing the teams to use their pool.

4-H is open to all youth 9-19 without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. If you are interested in learning more about 4-H contact the Howard County Extension Service at 870-845-7517 or visit our office located on the second floor of the courthouse.