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Nashville City Council Approves Funds for Flood Repairs

During a special called meeting on Wednesday, the Nashville City Council approved funding that will assist with repairs to the police department and fire department. Both received flood damage after several feet of water entered those buildings. The damage includes furniture, cabinets, electrical outlets, and patrol cars. Officials said that none of these buildings were covered with flood insurance. Damage to the self-contained breathing apparatus, or SCBA, refilling system has been repaired. Fire Chief Justin Thornton said that he had received one bid of $56,000 to fix just the building. Howard County Sheriff Bryan McJunkins was also present at the meeting and said that the jail itself received minimal damage and that the cells had already been cleaned out. He expects to house inmates again by next week. Some of the jail’s technology is still being repaired and the offices will also require work. Seven sheriff’s department vehicles received water damage. Some personnel offices have already been moved to the Graves Building and/or the Carter Day Training Center.