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Nashville City Council Discusses Bridges

Much of Monday’s Nashville City Council meeting concerned two bridges within the city limits.

The city of Nashville is in preliminary discussions concerning the 8th Street primary school bridge. Several issues have been identified with the aging bridge. Public Works Director Larry Dunaway introduced two options for a new bridge, which include a new street or a roundabout. He says they are looking at options to ease congestion and build the bridge at a higher elevation. The first step is to conduct a hydrologic study of the creek, which includes all of the other bridge crossings.

The bridge at Howard Street has now been torn out and the city is also looking at plans for a new bridge at that location.

In other city business, the council discussed one possible option to encourage more business growth on Main Street. A recent meeting of the planning and zoning commission did not find any issues with a request of owner occupancy in Main Street buildings. The council gave approval for the city administration to move forward in further researching the proposal. Council members did want to clarify that there be no apartments on Main Street, however were open to the idea of someone operating a business and living in the back or second floor of the building, owner occupied only.