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Nashville School Board Approves Salary Schedule Changes

The Nashville School Board approved a pair of increases to the district’s salary schedules at Monday’s regular monthly school board meeting for the month of April. The board approved a three percent increase to classified salaries at a $39,000 expense. Superintendent Doug Graham said the increase to the licensed salary schedule basically rolls over the Christmas bonus as a recurring bonus at a $600 increment, which is a $140,000 expense. He commented that many districts are looking at how to fund the new state law that sets the minimum teacher salary at $36,000. The Nashville School District’s starting salary with no experience and a bachelor’s degree will be $38,500 for the 2019-2020 school year. Another proposal to increase bus driver pay to $15.30 per hour was approved. Board members also approved a ten cent increase in lunch prices, a result of the recent law to raise the minimum wage.

In other business, the board approved a few small change orders for the bus barn project and approved a bid to install security cameras.

Resignations accepted at the meeting included bus driver Billy Sanders (effective immediately) and special education teacher Tammy Nolen (effective at the end of the school year).