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New Laws Effect Students

Elementary school students in Arkansas will get at least 40 minutes a day of recess under legislation approved earlier this year by the General Assembly. Act 641 of 2019 amends state law concerning the school day. It requires at least 40 minutes of each day be used for recess, which will be outdoors when the weather allows. Recess will be unstructured, although of course it will be supervised. Recess includes opportunities for free play and vigorous physical activity, whether it takes place inside or outside.

Act 641 recognizes that children need more opportunities for physical activity during the school day in order to promote healthy and active lifestyles.

Another new law passed earlier this year will affect high school students. Act 617 of 2019 repeals the requirement that when teenagers apply for a driver’s license, they must show proof that they have a grade point average of at least a C.Under Act 617, when teenagers pass the written test their score will be valid for two years. That gives them more time to pass the driving portion of the test.