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CFO discusses efforts to obtain compensation from United Healthcare Medicare Advantage at HMH board meeting

On Tuesday evening, the Howard Memorial Hospital Board of Directors convened for their regular monthly meeting.

CFO Bill Craig updated the board on his continued efforts to obtain appropriate compensation from United Healthcare Medicare Advantage for HMH. He recalled that at the last meeting, he had reported an underpayment by UHC on 27 accounts, totaling $270,000. Craig mentioned that following persistent communication, UHC had properly paid 16 out of the 27 claims, leading to a reimbursement of $138,000 for the months of April and May. He also submitted a list to UHC detailing the remaining 11 unpaid accounts, which amount to $135,000. Craig stated that they are in the process of rectifying the payments for the outstanding claims. He stressed that this process, which began in July 2022, has been in progress for two years to resolve the payments for these 27 claims.

COO Stacy Harberson recounted her initial site visits to Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston Methodist, and TIRR Memorial Hermann, which took place from June 9th to 11th, emphasizing the tours, seminars, and networking opportunities she encountered. She briefed the board on an upcoming executive coaching call set for July and her subsequent site visit planned for Chicago in August. Harberson also disclosed the 2024 Strategic Planning Retreat, scheduled for July 31st at Off the Beaten Track, for which she is compiling data and an agenda. The retreat is designed to identify innovative opportunities for HMH and to formulate the strategic plan and objectives for 2024. Harberson announced that HMH will transition to a new physician group starting September 1st, 2024. She expressed gratitude to all those who contributed their efforts towards researching and executing this transition.

Sandy Webb announced the receipt of the Ship Grant in the amount of $10,939 dollars.

HMH is organizing a celebration on September 20th to honor its nomination as one of the top 100 Critical Access Hospitals for the second consecutive year, coinciding with its 75th Anniversary Celebration.

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