Local News

City of Mineral Springs to purchase two weather sirens

Aldermen of the Mineral Springs city council met on Monday for their regular monthly meeting.
For the month of January the Mineral Springs Fire and Rescue department had two drills and four calls. Three of those calls were 1st responder calls and one for a vehicle accident.
The Mineral Springs Police Department had a total of 12 traffic citations and one criminal citation. The Police Department also had three offense reports, one accident, one felony arrest, and three felony warrants issued.
The Water and Sewer Department had a beginning balance of $173,826.20, income for the month was $35,871.35, and funds available $209,697.55. Total funds for the month of January 2023 was $178,041.96.
Alderman James Jeanes made a motion to use the COVID funds to purchase two weather sirens for the east and west side of Mineral Springs. The motion was seconded by Alderman Charles Deloney. All were in favor of purchasing two weather sirens in the amount of $15,000.
Alderman Earl Hadden voiced concerns about the remaining $120,000 in ARPA funds and advised that it should be spent on current projects so it doesn’t have to be taken back from the state. Mayor Bobby Tullis encouraged the council to think of ways the money could be spent that would follow the ARPA guidelines, by the March meeting. 

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