Local News

City of Nashville approved for federal-aid transportation program funds

Yesterday, the Nashville City Council held their routine monthly meeting.
Mayor Larry Dunaway introduced a resolution concerning the federal-aid transportation alternatives program funds. He mentioned that the reallocation of funds from the Peachtree sidewalk to the south main sidewalk, previously discussed, had been approved by the highway department. The resolution required passage to formalize this, entailing an 80 percent federal and 20 percent local match for the development and enhancement of highway 371 sidewalks.

Following deliberation, the resolution was unanimously passed by aldermen of the Nashville City Council.

Additionally, Mayor Dunaway reviewed the personnel policy, proposing certain changes for consideration. The council agreed to cast their votes on these modifications at the next city council meeting.

Finance Director Kimberly Green reported a 4.7 percent increase in City Sales tax, amounting to $6,839 more than in May 2023. Conversely, County Sales Tax saw a 1 percent decrease, resulting in $870 less than May 2023. The total revenue for May stood at $966,203.72, while expenditures totaled $969,009.48, surpassing revenue by $2,805.76.

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