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City of Nashville expecting grant to help pay for bridge project

The city of Nashville is hoping to receive a state grant to help pay a majority of the upcoming bridge project over Dodson Creek, near Wilson Park.  During Monday’s city council meeting, Public Works Director Larry Dunaway said he was hoping to get the bridge replaced this summer.  However, state officials have indicated the city has a chance to receive state funding that would pay 75 percent of the costs.  The city likely won’t know until August, at the earliest, if it will be awarded the grant.  Due to increasing prices, Dunaway said he expects the bridge to cost about $130,000 dollars.  With hopes of getting the grant, he recommended waiting until this fall to begin work on the project.  Dunaway said he expects the bridge replacement to take about a month to complete.  As part of the process, crews will also reconfigure the Mt. Pleasant/Pope Street intersection by Wilson Park.

The new bridge is expected to be elevated more than the current structure, with hopes that will cut down on street closures when Dodson Creek floods out of its banks.

Concerning another project in Nashville, Dunaway said the Main Street sidewalk project to the Hope highway intersection is now in the design phase and has been funded.

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