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City of Nashville will not purchase new fire truck

The city of Nashville will not proceed with pursuing the purchase of an updated fire truck. At Monday’s regular January council meeting, Fire Chief Justin Thornton presented information on a 2014 a rescue pumper, with a purchase price of $269,000 dollars. In previous meetings, Thornton had discussed the possibility of buying a 2009 pumper. However, he has since found the newer model and asked council members to consider it Monday. During a lengthy discussion, Mayor Billy Ray Jones said he was not against buying the truck..but cautioned Thornton about not having additional money in the department’s budget to purchase other gear firemen might need. Alderman Will Turley made a motion to purchase the truck. However, no other council member provided a second to the motion, so it died without any additional action.
Mayor Jones suggested that Chief Thornton come back next year and he might find council members to be more receptive of the purchase.
In addition to the fire department request, aldermen also voted to bring building & energy code guidelines up to the latest available. Code Enforcement Officer David Riggs said the city is already utilizing the newer guidance, but the existing ordinance needed to be updated.

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