Howard County JPs approves 2024 budget
Yesterday, during the Howard County Quorum Court regular monthly meeting, Treasurer Sherri Mixon reported that sales tax was slightly down from the previous month by 5%. In the American Rescue plan fund Mixon reported that there was $2,211,594.72 in that fund. Mixon also reported the amount she anticipated for District Court was $168,000 for fines and forfeitures but they actually brought in $197,213.23. Mixon said that the department has come a long way on collecting fines and no money had to be given to meet the budget this year.
Howard County Judge Brent Pinkerton brought up the contract agreement with Pafford to see how the quorum wanted to proceed since everyone was present. Justice of the Peace Jerry Harwell made a motion to give Pafford a 2-year agreement without the stipulation, “that should any financing become available to Howard County for emergency medical”. The motion was seconded by D’Ann Rogers. Majority of the quorum was for the motion and there was one nay.
Justices of the peace also approved additional motions that were in regard to the 2023 Howard County Budget. JPs also approved a final motion that was in regard to establishing the annual operating budget for the calendar year 2024. All were in favor of the motion.

In conclusion, Judge Pinkerton took a moment to recognize the late Bobby Don Turner and had a plaque presentation that was presented to Mr. Turner’s family.

Charlene Turner, the widow of Bobby Turner took a moment to say a special thanks for the love that was shown to Mr. Turner down through the years by the Howard County Quorum Court.