Local News

Developing Howard County Kicks Off Community-Led Economic Strategy Planning Process

Developing Howard County, the newly established economic development organization for Howard County, is proud to announce a significant step forward in creating a robust and inclusive future for our community. In partnership with the Arkansas Economic Development Institute, we are launching the process of developing a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for Howard County.

The CEDS plan is a crucial roadmap designed to guide the economic growth and resilience of Howard County over the coming years. This plan will focus on leveraging our unique strengths, addressing challenges, and creating opportunities that benefit all residents across the county, including those in Nashville, Dierks, Mineral Springs, Tollette, and surrounding areas.

Community Input: The Heart of the CEDS Plan

Vanessa Weeks, Howard County Economic Development Director states “One of the core components of the CEDS plan is gathering input from the community. We believe that the voices of our residents, business owners, educators, and civic leaders are vital to shaping a strategy that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of Howard County”. To ensure broad participation, Developing Howard County is launching an online community survey, which will be available on our official website and social media platforms. This survey is an opportunity for every resident to share their vision, concerns, and ideas for the future of Howard County.

Upcoming Community Engagement Meeting

In addition to the online survey, we are planning a community engagement meeting in the near future. This meeting will provide a platform for open dialogue, where residents can learn more about the CEDS process, ask questions, and contribute their perspectives in a collaborative setting. Details of the meeting, including the date, time, and location, will be announced soon.

Why Your Input Matters

“The success of this CEDS plan hinges on the active participation of our community members. Your insights will help us identify the key priorities and actions needed to create a thriving, sustainable economy in Howard County. Whether you are a long-time resident or a new member of our community, your voice is essential in shaping the future” added Vanessa.

Join Us in Building a Stronger Howard County

We encourage everyone in Howard County to take part in this important process. By working together, we can ensure that our community continues to grow and prosper, providing opportunities for all who call Howard County home.

For more information on the CEDS plan, to access the online survey, or to stay updated on upcoming events, please visit our Facebook page: Developing Howard County

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