Local News

The City of Dierks approved for Wastewater Funding

Aldermen of the Dierks City Council held their regular monthly meeting Monday evening.

During the meeting, the council discussed receiving a letter from the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission, which stated that the request for financial assistance was approved for the city of Dierks. The loan itself was $1,181,051.50 from the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund which is the portion that would have to be paid back and a loan with Principal Forgiveness in an amount up to $3,543,154.50. According to the letter, these funds are to be used for the wastewater improvements project as detailed in the city’s funding application. If the council approved this agreement the letter would have to be signed and accepted prior to August 18th, 2023, in order to receive financial assistance. The project itself would cost $4,631,437.50 to replace the gravity sewer with a new gravity sewer. After further review of the documents, the council tabled the discussion until the next council meeting.

Firefighter Chase Quinn reported to the council that the Dierks Fire Department had a total of 45 calls so far this year. 43 of those calls were medical and 2 fire calls, which were vehicle fires. Quinn said that his department also has been doing some training and that the fire department is way ahead of schedule.

Chief John McKee reported that Officer Kyler Turner has resigned from the Dierks Police Department and is transferring to Hempstead County. McKee also mentioned that he is currently taking applications for new officers and hopes to hire someone soon. McKee said that cleanup in the area has been a process, but everything is going well. McGee said he’s also going to look into ordinances for the council to look over that would help with zoning.

In conclusion, Aldermen of the Dierks City Council approved a motion to donate $5,000 to the Dierks Chamber of Commerce for the Pine Tree Festival.  

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