Local News

Dierks City Council Approves Funding for Law Enforcement System, Condemns Properties, and Hires New Employees

At the regular monthly meeting of the Dierks City Council, several key decisions were made to improve the city’s infrastructure and services. The council approved $17,500 for the law enforcement ISOMS system, which will be funded at a rate of $5,000 annually. This system will enhance the capabilities of local law enforcement, providing them with important tools to ensure safety and efficiency.

In addition to the law enforcement update, the council voted to condemn three properties within the city. This decision is part of ongoing efforts to improve the city’s overall appearance and public safety.

The council also welcomed two new employees to the city workforce: Trey Hopkins was hired to join the Street Department and Dillion Gurley was appointed as a Dierks Park worker. Both individuals are expected to contribute to the continued maintenance and development of the city’s infrastructure and parks.

In other updates, the council discussed progress on the water grant project, which is currently underway. Work has begun on laying raw water lines from the plant to the lake, a key step in improving the city’s water supply system.

The Dierks Fire Department reported its activity for the month of February, responding to 11 medical calls, 2 fire-related incidents, and 1 accident. The city remains committed to providing top-notch emergency services to its residents.

The Dierks City Council meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m., and the public is always invited to attend.

The council continues to focus on improving the city’s infrastructure, public services, and overall quality of life for its residents.

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