Local News

Dierks City Council’s June meeting

Monday Night, aldermen of the Dierks City Council held their regular monthly meeting. Mayor Ronnie Cogburn updated the council on the water grant along with the sewer project.

Cogburn stated that right now they have four grants that they applied for, the park, water, sewer, and the roads. Cogburn said they plan on getting the poles and fencing done at the ball fields.

Fire Chief Roddy Smith reported that for the month of May the Fire Department had a total of seven responses. He added that they had seven incidents and that 13 personnel responded. They also had 24-man hours in, for the month of May. Smith said they will have the Intro to firefighting on June 24th and 25th and in July they will have the Intro to PPE so they can get their new firefighters certified.

Police Chief John McKee reported that the Dierks Police Department has been stay staying on top of things. McKee stated that more tickets have been written up and that some of the tickets have been dismissed because some of the people have taken the steps to correct their areas. McKee said the only major crime that happened in town was a car being stolen but the suspect has been caught and sent to jail.

McKee concluded his report by informing the council that the bill from the 9th West Judicial Drug Task Force will have to be paid soon in the amount of $6,000. McKee said that the Drug Task Force has stepped it up a little bit as far as home visits along with overdose cases. McKee made a recommendation to the council.

After further discussion, aldermen of the Dierks City Council approved a motion to accept McKee’s recommendation to pay the 9th West Judicial Drug Task Force $3,000 dollars up front and pay the remainder owed after an update on the services provided. In conclusion, the Dierks City Council approved a final motion to donate $5,000 dollars towards the Pine Tree Festival.

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