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Dr. Jose Romero on Masks in Schools and Monoclonal Antibody Therapy

Dr. Jose Romero, Health Secretary for the state of Arkansas, spoke at the Governor’s press conference this week encouraging the use of masks in schools. Romero says that data collected has proven mask wearing to be effective when comparing schools with mandates vs those without. Romero says the effects seen have been specifically the prevention of infection as well as limiting the spread of the virus within a closed setting.

Romero went on to assure the public that the state’s supply of Monoclonal Antibodies is there and that treatment with such is a proven therapy for the prevention of hospitalizations in those suffering from the COVID-19 virus.

Dr. Howard Huang, medical director of the Houston Methodist Lung Transplant Center says that Monoclonal antibody therapy presents your body with antibodies similar to the ones your body naturally makes in response to infection. However, the Monoclonal treatment is specifically designed to recognize certain components of the COVID-19 virus. These lab produced antibodies interfere with the virus’ ability to attach and gain entry into human cells allowing your natural immune system time to mount its own response. Dr Haung says this treatment, however, is no substitute for the available vaccine. For more information on COVID-19 regarding the state of Arkansas be sure to visit Healthy.Arkansas.Gov.

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