Local News

Garner Joins MSPD

Mineral Springs City Council was held at the city park on Monday, September 14.

Council members of the Mineral Springs City Council passed two resolutions Monday afternoon.

One resolution established the city’s millage for the next year at 4.4 mills. The other resolution stated the city is not participating in the federal government’s tax deferral program.

During the council members comment time, a council member requested the city work to clear the right hand f ways by removing limbs that are hanging out over the street.

Denise Juniel presented the council with a petition containing 50 names asking the council reconsider a proposal from Primier Broadband in Hope.

William Tabler asked why city mowers were not being used to mow the city park. He was informed the council voted in March to hire a contractor to maintain the city park.

Police Chief Jeff Witherspoon reported Eric Garner has been hires as a new police officer and has been working for about a month.

Garner is a certified officer and worked for the Hempstead County Sheriff’s Department for a couple of years.

Witherspoon said Garner was going to be a valuable asset to the department.

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