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Howard County 4-H member advance to National 4-H BBQ contest

Howard County 4-H member Christian Trombley was elected as the Ouachita District Vice-President at the District O’Rama on Wednesday, June 17. To secure his election, Christian underwent several steps, including completing an application, participating in an interview process, and delivering a speech to his peers. He will assume his Vice-Presidential duties in the last week of July. In this role, Christian will represent Howard County on various State and National trips, providing him opportunities to advocate for 4-H and share insights about Howard County. He said, being elected by his peers is a significant honor and a remarkable opportunity.

Sarah Lamb, from the Howard County 4-H Teen Leaders club, participated in the State 4-H Poultry BBQ contest on Saturday, June 22, in Rogers, Arkansas. Each competitor received four chicken thighs to cook and was required to submit three for judging. The contestants were evaluated on safety, taste, appearance, and their knowledge of the poultry industry, demonstrated through a poster presentation. Following her success, Sarah will advance to the National 4-H BBQ contest in Louisville, Kentucky, this November.

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