Howard County JPs accepts proposal for airport repairs

Yesterday, during the Howard County Quorum Court’s regular monthly meeting, Howard County Judge Brent Pinkerton swore in Bobbi Jo Green as Justice of the Peace for District 9. Green will be filling in for Bobby Don Turner and her term expires December 31st, 2024.
Justices of the Peace also approved a motion to adopt a resolution that was in regard to designating non-profit agency as CDBG Grant Administrator. This grant will go towards the Umpire Fire Department Project. JPs also approved an ordinance that was in reference to the 2023 Howard County Operating Budget Ordinance.
In other business, Gary Dildy who volunteers to oversee the airport in Nashville, said at the airport they have two main gates, the West Gate and the South Gate next to the Eastside runway. Dildy stated that the remote opener on the East Gate doesn’t work, and he had two different people to look at it and made proposals on repair cost. Dildy presented a proposal from Town and Country Fence out of Hope to the quorum in the amount of $4,340 to replace the gate opener. There was a motion made by JPs Jerry Harwell and seconded by Andy Hogg to approve to pay the $4,340 dollars out of the unappropriated funds.