July weather summary
Last month was the hottest month that Nashville has seen in a decade. July had 13 days when temperatures were at or above 100 degrees. That’s the most days of triple digits in a month since August of 2012, which also recorded 13 days. In addition to those days, 22 of July’s 31 days had highs of at least 98 degrees, which pushed the average daytime high in Nashville to 99 degrees last month. That is nearly five and a half degrees above normal. A reading of 105 degrees was the highest temperature recorded last month. It was also on that same day, when a majority of the month’s rainfall was recorded.
July finished with 3.79 inches of rainfall, which is just under a third of an inch below normal. All but about one inch of that amount came in a single 24 hour period on the afternoon of July 21st.
Rainfall over this past weekend was enough to help eliminate the burn ban in Howard County. However, caution is still encouraged when doing any outdoor burning. A burn ban continues for Hempstead and Pike counties.