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Legacy Academy Hosts Homecoming

Grace Tucker Crowned Homecoming Queen

LOCKESBURG, AR—Legacy Academy hosted its first ever Homecoming Ceremony on Friday night in their gym in Lockesburg, prior to Homecoming basketball games against Gospel Light of Hot Springs. Homecoming festivities for the Lockesburg school began on Thursday evening at with a school-wide bonfire and cookout. On Friday, the homecoming court, made up of Freshman-Senior girls, enjoyed a a special afternoon, that included a mother/daughter tea. The court and their mothers enjoyed a beautiful spread of food and heard from school co-founder Jessica Gallagher about the true definition of beauty. Mrs. Gallagher spoke to the ladies about inner beauty and the power of a faithful life as a sincere follower of Christ. She also took time to focus on the importance of mother-daughter relationships for teenage girls and encourage the moms and daughters in forging a friendship built upon their faith. The moms then helped the daughters get ready for the evening with hair and make-up! The school has arranged for professional hairdressers to be on site. The court of nine ladies with maid representing the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes were escorted onto the court by their fathers. The Legacy basketball gym in Lockesburg was decorated with luminaries, white roses, navy, silver, and white balloons, and a lit backdrop for the court’s presentation. As each maid was announced and made her way onto the court, her hobbies, interest, favorite school memory, and a meaningful Bible verse were shared with the crowd. The ladies was selected through votes casts by the female Upper Level students in the school and the Upper Level faculty. A questionnaire with ten questions focused on Christian character, how the ladies treat one another, and the representation of their faith was utilized for the voting process.

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