Local Church Honors Grads With Drive-Through Lunch
The First United Methodist Church of Nashville honored its five graduating high school seniors with a drive through catfish lunch on Sunday.
The graduates included Hailey Frohnappel, Abbie Lamb, Nicholas Trombley, Kymberly Stanek and Jackson Turley.
The luncheon was hosted by the Methodist Men and each senior received a study Bible, card and gifts from church members.
Over 70 catfish lunches were delivered to church members by high school students Ty Gordon and Will Pope. 35 lunches were also delivered to Howard Memorial Hospital, the Nashville police department and the Howard county sheriff’s department.
Cooks and volunteers for the event included: Lowell Ackley, Lavon Flaherty, Woody Futrell, Tate Gordon, Ty Gordon, Billy Hockaday, Hollis Hughes, Rev. Daniel Kirkpatrick, Jim and Vicki Kuykendall, Connie Mac Milum, Gerald Moses, Mike Myers, Matthew Nannemann, Lance Pope, Will Pope, Ed Ryan and Jon Webb.
The First Methodist Church worship services have not re-opened but are live on KNAS 105.5 FM radio at 10:50 Sunday mornings.