Local News

Mayor of Nashville looking into options for water project

Aldermen of the Nashville City Council conducted their regular monthly meeting yesterday. 

According to Finance Director Kimberly Green’s report for the month of April, total revenue was $814,091.74 and total expenditures were $627,916.07. The revenue exceeded the expenditures by $186,175.67. Green also reported that there were no major extraordinary expenses for the month of April. City Sales tax increased 5.5 percent which was $7,313 dollars more than April 2023. County Sales tax increased by 5 percent which was $4,199 dollars more than April of last year.  

Mayor Larry Dunaway informed the council that the latest cost estimate of nine wells is $18.7 million dollars and he said that could be a possible option as far as the water project goes. This estimate will also include a treatment facility.  Dunaway also presented three quotes of different brands of a backhoe. One quote was from Scott Equipment for $148,000 dollars, one from John Deere for $142,000 dollars, and one from Caterpillar for $132,800 dollars. Dunaway added that this could be paid for out of Franchise and Water capital reserve savings. The council then approved a motion to purchase the Caterpillar backhoe brand in the amount of $132,800 and for it to be paid out of Franchise and the Capital reserve savings. 

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