Local News

Mine Creek Soil and Water Conservation District hires Feral Swine Technician

Hayden Linville has been hired by the Mine Creek Soil and Water Conservation District as a Feral Swine Technician through a pilot project program funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Arkansas Department of Agriculture.

The project will enable the district to provide a feral hog trapper for a limited time to assist landowners in Howard County with trapping and removing feral hogs. The district was able to purchase two Hog Traps through a grant from the Arkansas Department of Agriculture.

All trapping is done free of charge to the landowner.

Small herds of of feral hogs have lived in Arkansas for generations, however, the feral hog population has increased and expended dramatically since the 1990’s. Controlling feral hogs has proven difficult. Feral hogs are adaptive and learn to avoid hunters and traps. Hogs are very mobile and will range for miles in search of food and mates. Most feral hogs are nocturnal, and therefore often unseen until signs appear. Signs include: rooting, tracks, wallows, nests or beds and tree and post rubs.

If you have a feral hog problem, contact Linville by calling 870-200-0309 or email him at mccdtrapperhayden@gmail.com or contact the Mine Creek Soil and Water Conservation District office.

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