Mineral Springs City Council meeting declared illegal and invalid

The Mineral Springs City Council conducted a special called meeting Tuesday evening. Prior to the start of the special session, city clerk, April Nail announced the previous regular meeting on January 11th was an illegal and invalid meeting. She stated the meeting was illegal because three council members were not sworn-in and therefore they did not have a quorum.
James Jeanes, Frankie Harris and Earle Hadden were then sworn-in by Nail yesterday.
Mayor Steve Dixon stated that he had not followed procedure in the purchase of an excavator. He also reminded the council that Jeanes stated last week that he would ask for Dixon’s resignation if it was proven that the equipment was purchased illegally.
Dixon admitted he did not follow city policy, but stated the entire council and not one single council member should determine if he should resign his mayor’s position.
Council members then made a motion approving the purchase of the excavator. Nail explained the city paid $10,000 down on the equipment. She stated she used $5,000 from the general fund and $5,000 from the heavy-equipment fund.
A motion was then made to not accept the resignation of Dixon as mayor and the motion passed unanimously.