Nashville City Council
In the Nashville City Council meeting that took place this week Resolution 2021-15 was adopted which is the proposed budget for the 2022 calendar year. After the unanimous vote in its favor Mayor, Billy Ray Jones addressed council members speaking to the State of the City. Jones said he felt the city has stepped up to overcome many challenges that, 11 years ago when he took office, would never have been imagined. He complimented the department heads for their dedicated work which has led to the city’s successes over the years. Jones also stated he was proud to say that Nashville has become a strong option concerning employment for the public as increases in salary have allowed the city to stand beside the competitive pay that many corporations and businesses here offer. Concerning the adopted budget Jones said he was optimistic going forward that each department, in the coming year, would become more and more self-sufficient.
Public Works Director, Larry Dunaway, announced that the city received $150,000 grant from the “Transportation Alternative” program which is being utilized to build and improve upon the city’s sidewalks.
Dunaway said they are currently hard at work on S 4th street and will continue with an expansion to the mainstreet enhancement project shortly after which is where the grant will be used.
And last, David Riggs with Code Enforcement, said concerning some of the previously condemned houses within city limits that he was awaiting removal of utilities from companies such as SWEPCO and Entergy and that it would more than likely be after the holidays before progress was able to be made in this endeavor.