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Nashville City Council votes in replacement for Ward 6 position 2 seat

The Nashville City Council Aldermen held their regular monthly meeting yesterday. 

The council’s initial action was to pass a motion appointing Lynn Dyar as the interim replacement for Jimmy Dale, serving in the Ward 6 position 2 seat until the term’s end.

Finance Director Kimberly Green reported that for June, the total revenue amounted to $795,684.40, with expenditures at $758,467.08, resulting in the revenue exceeding the expenditures $37,216.59. The city’s sales tax saw an 8 percent increase, equating to $11,147 more than in June 2023, while the county’s sales tax rose by 3.6 percent, adding $3,163 compared to the previous year. Green also updated on the mid-year financials, detailing the total revenue up to June.

David Riggs, the Code Enforcement Officer, proposed a resolution for the council’s consideration, seeking authorization to place a lien on certain properties within city limits. This measure targets property owners who neglect to heed Code Enforcement’s clean-up notices. A Lien Hearing was held for ICC Nashville Fuel, LLC, the owner of the property at 1100 S 4th Street, involving a $400 lien.

After further discussion, the council passed a motion to approve the resolution as presented by Riggs.

To conclude, Mayor Larry Dunaway introduced proposed amendments to the personnel policy for the council’s endorsement. Alderman Joe Hoen suggested granting an employee five weeks of vacation after 25 years of service. Following the council’s unanimous approval of the revisions, Dunaway announced his intention to prepare a formal resolution for the upcoming city council meeting.

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