Local News

Nashville Senior High Band Director guest speaker at Nashville Rotary Club

Nashville High School band director Cody Ford was the guest speaker during last week’s Nashville Rotary Club meeting.

Ford is leaving the Nashville School District to take a position in Hot Springs at the Arkansas School of Math and Sciences. Ford has served as the high school and beginner band director for the past three-years. Ford shared what he felt the band program has accomplished under his leadership.

Ford also shared his philosophy for leading a band program.

Ford also mentioned that he enjoyed serving in the Nashville School District and will miss it, but feels the new band directors will continue to make great strides in the future.

Citizens were also encouraged to make plans to send-off the Howard County Children’s Center Bulldogs as they travel to Searcy on Thursday, May 23 for the Special Olympics. Stay tuned to B 99.5 for the time of the official send-off.

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