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Nashville City Council

The city of Nashville’s water & sewer audit for calendar year 2020 was reviewed at Monday’s regular July city council meeting.   Audit findings included expenses being more than $429,000 higher than income for the year.  Mayor Billy Ray Jones said he’s hopeful a rate increase that council members built in for the end of this year will help with some of the shortfall & eventually lead to the water & sewer departments being self supportive.  Auditors have determined the departments are in compliance with state laws & regulations.

Prior to the start of Monday’s council meeting, Mayor Jones conducted a pair of swearing in ceremonies.  Carol Mitchell, a city council member from Ward Five, has resigned her position to become the Nashville City Clerk on a part time basis.  Mitchell plans to fill the unexpired term of Mary Woodruff, who recently passed away.

Following Mitchell’s swearing in, Mayor Jones also announced that Robert Chism has agreed to fill Mitchell’s seat on the city council.  Chism took his oath of office as well Monday, and both he & Mitchell began serving in their new capacities yesterday.

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