Local News

Pike County JPs approves purchase of land

This week, the Pike County Quorum Court convened for their regular monthly meeting. The first agenda item was a proposal by Pike County Judge Eddie Howard to purchase 18.66 acres of land containing red clay gravel. Howard reported that three samples had been tested, and it’s indicating high quality. He estimated the gravel pit held about 4 million cubic yards of material, sufficient for over a century. Following a short deliberation, the court voted 6 to 2 in favor of the acquisition.

Clerk Randee Reid proceeded to present a resolution to approve the land purchase using ARPA funds. The Justices of the Peace passed the motion with a 6 to 2 vote, adopting the resolution as proposed.

Additionally, Judge Howard provided an update on the wheelchair lift parts, stating they were on order and expected within 6 to 8 weeks, well ahead of the September 4th deadline.

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