UA Cossatot Foundation Hosts Annual Scholarship Appreciation Luncheon

On Friday, September 13, 2019, the UA Cossatot Foundation hosted its annual Scholarship Appreciation Luncheon at the Historic UA Cossatot Bank of Lockesburg Gymnasium. The event took place from noon to 1:00 P.M. and gave scholarship recipients, their family, donors, and friends of the college a chance to meet one another.
One hundred and twenty guests attended the event and UA Cossatot Foundation Director, Dustin Roberts opened up the ceremony. Food was provided by Mary Pops in De Queen.
Roberts said, “It was great to honor our scholarship recipients at the luncheon and have our donors and friends of the college join us in the celebration.”
To apply for a UA Cossatot Scholarship for the 2020-2021 academic year, students and potential students can complete a UA Cossatot Scholarship Application online at