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SPCSD approves contract agreement with Rehab Specialist Inc

Monday night, board members of the South Pike County School District approved the agreement with Rehab Specialist Inc who will be in partnership with the district for athletic training responsibilities for the 2024-2025 school year. 

The board also approved a motion to hire the following for the 2024-2025 school year, Cindy Cobb as the high school special education inclusion teacher, Gene Strode as the high school science/pe teacher and Adam Coleman as a part time Computer Science/Game Design teacher along with accepting the resignations of Kevin Alexander as Boys Basketball Coach, Wendy Flud as Cafeteria Worker, and Van Edwards as Bus Driver. 

Superintendent Tanya Wilcher announced that the school choice applications were in, and they have 14 students coming into the district and 10 leaving with only one student who actually was enrolled in the district moving. 

In conclusion, the board accepted a motion to approve the ARP Esser extra pay of $500 for all employees who have missed 5 days or less of the 168 student/teacher interaction days. 

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