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SWEPCO Holiday Tips

Continuing the Christmas spirit a lot of folks are preparing to put up the Christmas decorations including lighting the house with lights. SWEPCO issued a release offering tips on how to decorate safely this holiday season while being mindful of electrical safety.

  1. Before putting up lights make sure to stay clear of overhead power lines including any ladders or tools you might be using. 10 feet is considered a safe distance.
  2. Check your lights for damage before using them and make sure to discard any lights with frayed wires, loose connections and broken or cracked sockets.
  3. Make sure your lights and extension cords are rated appropriately for indoor or outdoor use.
  4. Avoid overloading wall outlets or cords with too many lights. Connecting lights to power strips with a built-in circuit breaker is also advised.
  5. Never run electrical cords under carpet or rugs wear daily walking and wear could cause fraying and overheating.
  6. Turn off all holiday lights when you leave the house or go to bed.

You can also save energy this holiday season by using LED string lights which consume about 90% less energy than standard incandescent string lights. The typical cost to light a tree with LEDs comes out to around $1 per season.

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