Trailer Fire on Golf Links Road in Nashville

The Nashville Fire Department responded to a call late Tuesday evening on Golf Links Road just South West of Nashville. An individual transporting approximately 15 bales of hay up highway 27 noticed fire coming from his trailer and pulled onto Golf Links Rd proceeding down an open gravel drive. Nearby neighbor, Dennis Horn, offered his tractor to the individual who then proceeded to begin removing the bales from the trailer. Once the Fire Department arrived containment efforts began. Fire Chief, Justin Thornton, said minor damage was done to the trailer and that the owner was able to unhook his truck before any damage was done to it.
Thornton said the cause of the fire is unknown but that heat from the breaks or spontaneous combustion from moisture in the hay could have played a role.
Tuesday’s rain played a heavy role in the containment of this fire, Thornton said, as nearby fields where bales were rolled off to by firefighters would have otherwise easily ignited putting nearby structures at risk.
The fire department was called back out yesterday after a call came through that a few of the bales had reignited. The responders made quick work of containment and allowed the remainder to burn in a controlled environment.