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HMH invites the public to ‘check-out’ the Intuitive da Vinci XI surgical robotics system Wednesday, Jan. 18

Howard Memorial Hospital is very excited to announce that the Intuitive da Vinci Xi surgical robotics system will soon be available to offer minimally invasive surgery. The surgical robotics program allows surgeons to provide cutting-edge surgeries utilizing minimally invasive methods. The addition of surgical robotics is an excellent example of HMH’s mission-driven strategies to improve health care. The term “robotic” often misleads people. Robots don’t perform surgery.
The da Vinci surgical system gives the surgeon an advanced set of instruments to use in performing robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery. The surgeon performs surgery with da Vinci by using instruments that he guides via a console. The da Vinci system translates your surgeon’s hand movements at the console in real time, bending and rotating the tiny wristed instruments like a human hand but with a greater range of motion. The instrument size makes it possible for surgeons to operate through a few small incisions.
The da Vinci vision system delivers highly magnified, 3-D high definition views of the surgical area. 
Surgery Director Lindsay Hooper discussed HMH hosting a demonstration next week for the public.

Hooper said receiving the da Vinci robotic system is a monumental moment for the city of Nashville.

Intuitive services include comprehensive and ongoing education, training and support for surgeons, surgical services staff and hospital care teams. Patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery using the robotics system are at the center of a network of dedicated professionals working together to help patients get back to what matters most.
Adding the surgical robotics system allows HMH to continue its mission of IMPROVING THE HEALTH OF THE COMMUNITIES WE SERVE. The community is invited for demonstration of the system, January 18th from 9:30am to 10:30am and then from 2:00pm to 3:00pm

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