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NSD Board approves handbook changes for 2024-2025 school year

Monday night during the regular meeting of the Nashville School Board, Crystal Ball of Bridging the Gap of Arkansas discussed the results of the district’s APNA survey with board members. APNA is the Arkansas Prevention Needs Assessment Survey.

According to Ball, Nashville was at or slightly above the state average in the areas of vamping and smoking. She explained Bridging the Gap of Arkansas provides districts with preventative training and could help the district find speakers that can address the specific needs within the district.

Board members also heard from Assistant Superintendent Gordon Tate about some changes to the district’s PPC policies. He explained all of the changes were changes to the Arkansas School Board Association’s model policies.

The board also approved the recommended changes to the building student handbooks.

Changes to the Nashville Primary School building included a clarification of specific consequences for specific behaviors and some edits and format changes to improve navigation of the handbook.

The Elementary School handbook added FCCLA and trap and removed FHA and added that in between unexcused absences three and eight, there will be a home visit conducted. The elementary school also added a merit list for students with A’s and B’s and a honor roll for students will all A’s.

Another change at the elementary school is breakfast will be served in the cafeteria and not in the students homeroom and students will line up for band on the office wall when they are called instead of at 7:50 am.

Several changes were made to the junior high and high school handbooks, but most of them were to ensure both policies were the same, especially for 9th through 12th graders

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